FatigueM8 Case

Processes Involved:

  • Computer Aided Design

  • Prototyping

  • Iterative version of FDM 3D Printing


FatigueM8 is a smart steering wheel and camera designed to tackle the important issue of fatigue in the trucking industry. This began as a hackathon winning idea in Canberra, and has continued to grow since its conception in 2018. KJR and Augmented Intelligence worked with InIteration to design and 3D print a case to house the FatigueM8 compute units and associated technology.


As there were going to be iterations of designs and adjustments, the CAD model had to be adaptable to easily 3D print replacement parts. This meant that the CAD model was parametrically designed - the overall parts and assembly would update as changes were made.

The assembly also had to be modular, for future changes to be made without having to reprint the entire case. For example, the front panel was adjusted multiple times to be longer, modified the angle, and able to fit an LCD screen.


FatigueM8 units have been installed in over 15 trucks, travelling all around Australia. The computer unit and forward-facing camera are secured to the dashboard to capture road conditions. However, the varying dashboard layouts in different trucks have posed challenges, as well as road vibrations coming into the cabin. Design and ad hoc adjustments have been made to secure the units to whatever tie-down options are available; including using cable ties, Velcro, and small “occy straps”. Changes to the camera angle were also needed to capture the road and traffic conditions accurately.

Along the journey, we discovered there were challenges with heat caused by the raspberry Pi unit, and from the unit being kept in vehicles in direct sunlight. For this, In Iteration adjusted the design so that more parts could be 3D printed in ABS, improved the air vents, and thickened the walls of various parts.

Subtle changes have continued with the FatigueM8 units, based on the field research and drivers’ feedback. Fortunately our prototypes are exactly that, prototypes and allow for quick tweaks without major cost implications.

To learn more about FDM 3D printing, visit our Knowledge Guide WHAT IS FDM/FFF - FILAMENT 3D PRINTING.